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Tampa Bay model Lisa Marie Lowrey photographed by Tampa Bay photographer C. A. Passinault during a photography session for Tampa Bay modeling resource site Independent Modeling in 2003. Photography by Aurora PhotoArts photography and design Tampa Bay - Tampa Bay Film Festival PictureTampa actress and model Sarah Bray photographed poolside in Tampa Palms (New Tampa) by Tampa Bay photographer C. A. Passinault in 2002. Photography by Aurora PhotoArts photography and design Tampa Bay A Dancer in a Tampa Bay event photographed by Tampa Bay photographer C. A. Passinault. Photography by Aurora PhotoArts photography and design Tampa Bay - Tampa Bay Film Festival PictureTampa filmmaker Chris Woods headshot by Tampa headshot photographer C. A. Passinault, Aurora PhotoArts Tampa Photography and Design.Tampa Bay model, dancer, and choreographer Melissa Maxim photographed with Lance, a nightclub dancer, in a Ybor City nightclub by Tampa Bay photographer C. A. Passinault in 2002. Photography by Aurora PhotoArts photography and design Tampa Bay Tampa model and actress Roxanne Kowalska (right) and singer Michelle pose for a pre-production shoot of the short indie film “The Pledge”, in a preproduction photography session with the original cast by C. A. Passinault. Both Roxanne Kowalska and “Lowie” Laura Narvaez (not pictured) were scouted for the film at a Passinault audition. Casting crew for Passinault Entertainment Group conducting auditions for the Reverence feature film.Tampa audition photograph of actresses reading roles from the Reverence feature indie film project by Dream Nine Studios.Two actresses read during an audition for the Reverence feature film, a Passinault indie film.Tampa actress and model Harmony Layne poses for pictures to be used in the Tampa indie film, The Quiet Place. Photograph by Tampa photographer C. A. Passinault, Aurora PhotoArts Tampa photography and design.Tampa singer, model, actress, television host, pageant title holder, and entertainer Ann Poonkasem serenades an audience near Brandon, Florida, in the Tampa Bay area. Photograph taken by Tampa photographer C. A. Passinault, who was sitting in the front row judging the beauty pageant with a camera and a long, 300 MM lense.Tampa actor Rob Mussell headshot by Tampa headshot photographer C. A. Passinault. Tampa model and actress Sarah Bray during a modeling shoot with Tampa modeling portfolio photographer C. A. Passinault in Riverview, Florida, in the Tampa Bay area.Scream At The Wall Cameraman at the Horror and Hotties film festival in Tampa, Florida.


Where Tampa filmmakers unite. News. Opinions. Knowledge. Power.


Thursday, March 5, 2009 - 7:00 PM - Tampa Indie Film Log for Filmmaker C. A. Passinault

Making Money At Any Cost?

Wow. You have to love this economy. GM is about to go under, and Citi trading at a dollar a share. Economic “bailouts” or not, this is survival of the fittest, baby, and natural selection in the market at work.
Could it be that some of these companies deserve to fail? It’s just too bad that they are undermining the rest of the market, and hurting good businesses, as a result of their gross incompetence, unethical conduct, and greed.
The job market is amusing, too. Every job fair and job offer finds itself swamped with long lines of applicants. Desperation is in the air, my friends, and it becomes a vicious cycle when the fear behind it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy because people compromise and hurt themselves with their lack of confidence. Insecurity does not make it easier to land a job or to sell your services. Neither does taking shortcuts and throwing ethics out the window. The people who are whining that they are hurting and that they are on the verge of losing things were living beyond their means to begin with. It’s time to re-prioritize and live life within your means.
Granted, if the jobs and the sales aren’t there, they aren’t there. It’s hard to do something about things which you have no control over. This said, opportunities are still out there. You just have to adapt and work harder.
As someone once told me, you have to have guts to make it in this world. Do you see much courage and integrity out there? Does any of this inspire pity, or respect? I’ll leave it to you to answer that. Would you hire, or contract, someone because you feel sorry for them, or because they can do the job that you need done?
I say let the weak go under, and allow someone who knows what they are doing take over. The bank isn’t profitable? Look around. There are professionals with better ideas out there, and those are the ones who should be getting the bailout money (and I know banking, too, as I worked for one for seven years and trained most of their management).
Sometimes, you have to wipe the debris off of the playing field and start over. It’s time to take out the garbage, and make it with innovation and hard work. I’m not much of a fan with how business in this country is set up, and many people know that. That’s why it’s so easy to take business away from businesses which really have no business being in business. I have a long history of wiping the floor with my competition and with those who oppose me.
These are times of change. These are times of opportunities.
So, what does this have to do with Tampa indie film? Plenty.
Listen, I don’t have anything against anyone in the Tampa film scene. Really, I don’t. I do, however, have serious issues, professionally, with those who lie, cheat, and steal to get ahead, and who actively work to undermine the Tampa film scene which they claim to support.
Could it be that some people in the Tampa film scene network in order to size up their competition? Could it be that some people attempt to destroy the credibility of their competition when they simply can’t compete against them? Could it be that some people are setting up film scams to profit off of the hopes and dreams of aspiring filmmakers? Could it be that some filmmakers do things the way that others do it, and the lack of innovation in the film market stunts any progress? Could it be that the Tampa film commission and certain Tampa film festivals humor local filmmakers and don’t actually respect them? Could it be that the few respectable Tampa filmmakers are typecast and discounted because of the nonsense that the idiotic majority do? Could it be that there is no professional film community and that there are fragmented, self-serving cliques in the Tampa film scene who pretend to be a film community, but actually aren’t? Could it be that these Tampa film cliques secretly work to undermine the advancement of Tampa indie film and sabotage the formation of a genuine Tampa film community?
I’ve helped change the modeling industry, and have been very effective in doing so. I’ve put modeling scams out of business and have cost other modeling scams and the old modeling industry a lot of money. I’ve been in some rather nasty modeling industry wars, and have won many battles- well, in all modesty, I won all my battles, although the war simmers on. What I went through in the modeling industry, however, was a cakewalk compared to this Tampa indie film war which simply seems to be super-nasty, and has no end in sight. These people in the Tampa film scene don’t seem to want to learn and give up. Well, I don’t give up, either. I’m ready to do what needs to be done for as long as it takes. I figure the war should be over in another two years, when those who oppose me are out of business, and their will is broken.
Change is coming, my friends. It’s not going to easy and it is going to take years, but it is coming. The Tampa film scene a few years from now, say, 2015, will be very different than the one that we have today. There will be a professional indie film community which inspires, and gets, the respect that they deserve. There will be indie film projects done here which can hang with any indie film done anywhere in the world, and there will be many indie films done here that can’t be done anywhere else, and could very well capture the attention of the world. I can see Tampa becoming Hollywood East, the birthplace and foundation of a new entertainment industry. The Tampa indie film scene could very well be the start of a revolution. We can be leaders and trendsetters.
I just don’t see it happening with some of the characters that we have running around in it right now. The filmmakers who are touted as leaders are hardly that. Currently, my friends, the Tampa film scene is a joke, and as a professional, I am ashamed of it.
I ask all of you a question: Has anything changed in the Tampa indie film scene in the past five years? Has there been any progress? I didn’t think so.
I’m actually looking forward to seeing many in the current Tampa film scene fail. I’m hoping for it. I’m anticipating it. They didn’t get the job done, and they haven’t been honest in their dealings. I’m thinking that the current state of the economy will do a dandy job of weeding these people out. They won’t be able to get money to do their feature films, or to do any films the old, overly-expensive way. 2009 is already looking to be a year of few indie films done in Tampa Bay, and as many fail and fall away, this will become a bittersweet proverbial quite before the storm of revolution which is coming. The fakes will fail and put themselves out of business. I’ll do what I can to make it tough for con artists running Tampa film scams to do business. This will pave the way for what is to come.
God, I strongly dislike all the fake people in the Tampa film scene. Everyone hypes and publicly supports each other while working behind the scenes to undermine and steal from each other. It’s pathetic, Polly. I guess keeping their hair is only one of their many failures.
When someone praises everything and appears to support everything around them, watch out. They are lying to you. There is too much blind support going on in the Tampa film scene, and no one can openly be objective. Can these fake people lead the Tampa film scene and help it to advance? Of course not! If you’re real, you’re not going to get along with everyone because you stand for something, and some people won’t be able to accept that. If you get along with everyone, you have issues. Maybe you are the type who can’t stomach confrontations and are eager to please everyone. If that’s you, no one respects you, and you cripple your ability to lead, or to make a difference. Maybe you deluded yourself into thinking that everyone likes you, all the while they plot and talk bad about you behind your back. Maybe people simply are being fake and politically correct. Maybe people are not being honest with you, and they won’t tell you what they really think about you.
I see filmmakers who tell me that they get along with everyone. No one in the Tampa film scene gives them any problems. I tell them that this is an insult to them. They ask me how this is an insult. I tell them that the illusion of the lack of resistance is because no one sees them as competition or as a threat to their business. It’s like a man who doesn’t mind another man hanging out with his beautiful girlfriend. The man hanging out with the others girlfriend may delude themselves into thinking that the boyfriend trusts them with the girlfriend and that they have a mutual respect going on, but it’s all a lie. It’s actually an insult to the man because the boyfriend does not see him as a threat.
If a filmmaker gets along with you with minimal efforts, it’s probably because they don’t actually take you seriously and don’t see you as competition. Think about this.
Oh, and going back to the love triangle analogy, the man hanging out with the girlfriend may secretly want the girlfriend, but don’t count on that happening. The girlfriend doesn’t really respect you, either. At best, you’re in the friend zone and you are doomed to stay there. Usually, however, she’s just using you to get her boyfriend to pay more attention to her and to keep him on his toes. In her mind, she’s keeping competition alive, and this increases her value. Additionally, you’re there to help her and to give her things, which are benefits of a relationship without the investment. This is sad, but it is also human nature. People will do things that they believe to be in their best interest. Another thought. How pathetic is it for a man to sell himself short and be buddies with another man’s girlfriend? Come to think of it, I don’t respect the nerd, now, and I have no pity on the hole that he allows himself to be kept in.
Tampa filmmakers, stand up for yourself. Don’t allow anyone to insult you or to put you down. Speak your mind, be honest about your intentions, and find other professional filmmakers to collaborate with so we can all work together to advance the state of Tampa film.
We are all in this together, and together we can build the Tampa film scene of tomorrow. With or without you, it’s coming. Get involved while you still can, and ditch the fakes who won’t be around much longer.
I’m not at all popular in the Tampa film scene, but that is not what my goal is, nor should it be. I am respected and liked by the professional filmmakers, however, and those who are pissed off at me are usually the ones who are doing something wrong to begin with. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m not here to be friends with everyone. I have friends. I’m here to make a difference and to help out those who deserve my help and what I have to offer.
In current developments, the Tampa indie film war has transitioned to yet another phase. Today, the Tampa Bay Film Tampa Film Scam Analysis Database and advanced film scam-fighting tools came online. Tampa Bay Film has taken point, and is bombarding the Tampa film scams with the full might of its arsenal. Next up, Tampa Bay Acting will maneuver into place, deploy its Tampa Acting Scam Analysis Database, and join the bombardment on Tampa film scams. Tampa Bay Acting will let professional Tampa actors know about Tampa film scams and help them avoid them. A lot of unethical, unprofessional Tampa filmmakers will find it to be very, very difficult to get actors to work with them. Their crappy films will be cut off from the good actors, and that’s what they deserve.
Effective today, I am declaring a boycott on certain filmmakers in the Tampa film scene. My allies and I are working together to cut them off from resources that they need to do films. Tampa Bay Acting will take point in that boycott by keeping actors away from many of these film projects. Some of these sleazy filmmakers had better hope that their aunt Mabel can act, because hard times are coming. If they are lucky, at least their aunt Mabel will be game for their casting couch; if she can’t act, maybe she can help them in other ways.
Maybe Joe can be in all of their films, too. I hear Joe is a great actor, with great delivery and great character range. He’s a good guy, that Joe. Of course, good luck convincing aunt Mabel to kiss that ass, both literally and figuratively. She’ll run off the set screaming and then you can report her to faux-SAG so they can address her unprofessionalism in acting.
Hey, Joe, don’t get mad at me for telling it how it is. Go get drinks with the Guzzles and tell them how you are going to kill me all night. You guys get drunk like you always do, as we all know how professionals lose it with their vices. Tell them that you’re going to pop me in the head and kill me because you are convinced that I am trying to destroy you. Then, preach to your choir of drunks and convince them that I am crazy, and you’re not, although you’re the one who is losing it and acting crazy. Joe, maybe you can cry to your friends and get them to photoshop my head onto another nude body from their gay picture collection. If that’s how you people want to try to win, go for it. Everything will be alright, guys. Soon, you’ll be out of business, and the Tampa film scene will be ready for the professionals to take over and advance the cause of indie film in Tampa.
Well, I have to run. I have to write some more content for the Tampa Bay Film Tampa Film Scam Analysis Database. Good stuff! It’s nice to see the Tampa Bay Film Raptor Class site in form and in its element, doing what it was designed to do. Raptor Class sites are optimized to fight scams in the entertainment industry and to help those who deserve to be helped.
Then again, you know what? This Tampa indie film war is kind of silly. There is a good chance that if I were to sit back and do nothing, that this will all work out anyway because they would put themselves out of business. If I did this I wouldn’t make myself a target. And what of the scam victims? Well, these Tampa film scams are a little obvious, and most should be able to figure them out. If anyone is taken in by a Tampa film scam, then they have no one to blame but themselves. It’s something to think about, at least. Perhaps I’ll deploy and update the scam databases, and then move on to other things. That’s a decent middle ground. I’ll let you all know what I decide to do.


UPDATED 01/01/11

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